Wednesday, February 10, 2016

More maths needed in Schools:ADMA


  • Maths is compulsory in High Schools
  • Problem filling jobs in data and marketing
  • New marketing skills are not adopted
  • STEM should be at the forefront classroom
  • Government preparing School and University system
  • 17 of the 25   members were technology-related in 2015 
  • Marketing and Technology building the company's growth 


     Math needed in High Schools to get new marketing skills in the traditional marketing skills. There has been recent feedback from members who are having problems filling jobs in data and marketing. The skills required by a marketer now have changed and the new skills hasn't adopted yet. The STEAM(science, technology, engineering and maths) are at the forefront of the classroom in school.The Government should prepare this system rules to school and university systems. 17 of the 25 hottest skills were technology-related in 2015. And marketing and technology have build the not only the brand but it also grows the economy.